
Showing posts from October, 2023

Why the Time Period is Critical When Tracking OEE

It's important to remember that the goal of OEE (and machine downtime tracking) in general isn't just to highlight everything that is going right with your manufacturing efforts. Sure, everyone likes a nice pat on the back every now and again - a confirmation that their hard work is paying off. But you're also looking for opportunities to improve, too, which means paying attention to trends as they develop. The issue is that OEE isn't a sprint - it's a marathon. The real actionable insight - the intelligence that will show you exactly what you need to do to thrive - will reveal itself over time. Instant gratification isn't what you're going for, here - if all your opportunities for improvement were obvious enough that they could be addressed overnight, the chances are high you would have recognized them and already done so by this point. Time is of the Essence All this is to say that if you're tracking machine downtime or OEE within the context of a sin

Are Your OEE Scores Declining? Here's What You Should Be Looking At

When it comes to equipment downtime tracking in a manufacturing facility, OEE is far and away the most important metric to pay attention to. Short for "Overall Equipment Effectiveness," it's fairly straightforward - you're tracking how many good parts you're producing relative to the time it takes to produce them and how many instances of downtime you experience along the way. The closer your score gets to 100%, the closer your facility is to operating at peak efficiency. Many people see almost instant gains when they start tracking OEE because it doesn't just show them what is working - it shows them what isn't, allowing them to act on that insight and make improvements as soon as possible. Which, of course, demands the question - what happens if your OEE scores aren't ticking upward since you've begun your machine downtime tracking efforts? The answer to that question requires you to keep a few key things in mind. Continuous Improvement Me