System improvements are brought about by the new Design for OEE methodology.
If your firm uses automation to increase productivity , as most businesses do, OEE is a crucial statistic for evaluating where improvement efforts should be directed. All three OEE components —Availability, Performance, and Quality—apply if most of your production stages involve manufacturing machinery. The component results have averaged 90%, 86%, and 98.7%, respectively, for the firms I have tracked and following some improvement attempts. The OEE for this is 76.4%. OEE of 85% is typically used as a world-class benchmark by enterprises . Even this standard for excellence can be surpassed with a change in emphasis regarding where improvements are made. Most Lean Six Sigma practitioners have seen the cost and quality advantages of DFSS in the New Product Introduction process. Design For Overall Equipment Effectiveness , or DFOEE, is something I would want to propose that is similar and equally as advantageous. I agree that the DFSS technique may be used for mach...