The New OEE Impact Andon Boards for Spare Manufacturing System
Andon can be defined as" visual control" device that shows machine, process status or line. Utmost spare manufacturing systems need this device as it's veritably useful to reduce product waste in all situations. By using andon boards, a company can cover and insure productivity fluently. Manufacturing storehouse use this tool to see order status or precedences in an instant way indeed from further than 100 bases down. This device can also serve as early warning bias since audible admonitions or advising dispatches are installed in the device. In short, it can be said that this communication tool leads to a better collaboration of orders, precedences and corridor in a spare manufacturing system. This good collaboration eventually leads to a better client service . The use of andon boards replaces the part of traditional communication tool in spare manufacturing systems . With this device, now a company does not need to use clip boards, white boards or emails to communic...